if you give spence a tenner if we lose ill gave you a £5 rather than both of us giving him a £10:p ;) :lol:
ahh just got the joke:redface: Was a class night great set by Scot project:D
If you owned or ran a night what would you call it? thought this might be an interesting topic as i find it rather hard to think of a catchy name:)
thought it was bar yellow?
Re: Holaaaaaaaa! Hello. Welcome to the board:D
Re: Re: Sundissential gods is only about 3mins walk away get her to show you Air then work sum magic;)
Re: Re: The FA cup?!? after the next round there will be only three of em left guarenteed!! strangers things have happened Sunderland got...
Re: Smithmonger - Sky High (Phil Kieran mix) class tune aint heard it in ages:(
The FA cup?!? So who do u think will win it? Co'mon on Sunderland:D Just placed a bet and i got 40-1 worth £10 of anybodys money:D
Re: Re: Hew Hew charva Crew ! indeed:lol:
want do you spend most of your free time doing? As above?
does he have an email address?
Happy Birthday:D :king:
what do you mean i'm never happy? if i was never happy i would not of made it my mission in life at one point to go to fondation every week:mad:...
whos knocking?
Re: Re: scot project tunes last night overdrive was the last tune:) :o and the rest of the set was...
trainers do u reckon k-swiss trainers are alright to get in2 fondation? just cos my mate reckons they would'nt let him in:spangled: and...
i can remember thinkin joe was a bit like that at one point!! but as i don't post as much as used 2 im a bit like that, im now under the...
Re: Where has everyone gone? well im still here but im not old school enough to be in ya list:mad: :( ;)
Separate names with a comma.