Dantaurus dude whats with the angry kid routine ? is hanah your ex or nemisis or did you just want to start some shit and see where it went ?...
AM AT WORK MATE BUT RUNIN IN AND OUT OF THE OFFICE TO WATCH THE TV al just take the cap lock off pieterson is out were 308-8
well they need 300 off 30 overs .......... 10 an over that would be going some . Get harmy in there bowling yorkers and ruff them up ! WE ARE...
Re: Re: Re: Snowboarding Both mate , been skiing for about ten year boarding only last few years . love both but as with you skiers piss me...
Sounds like my ex :lol:
Just fifteen minutes man ! Suck ya thumb :wink:
:lol: :lol: missy the interegator:lol:
well make sure you have a good look around and chat with the person . If its male watch for drooling and the words 'could you pick that up for me...
people tend to get wet dreams when theyve either had no sex for so long the get a stiffi from going over a bumb in the road . or when theyve...
think its safe now like the run rate theyd need is nearly 5 an over ... no way not even they can do that !
Well dodgy that like :o You think things are calming down then some idiots come and ruin it ! :mad:
doin well hes hit 105 of 126balls ..... go on my son ..... haha theyve dropped him 3 times like friggin convicts youd think the ball were a bar a...
its totally buggerd all my fantasy teams as well 14mil down the drain for 4 weeks :cry:
Re: Snowboarding nah last place i boarded was Verbiea^ Switzerland . love the slopes like when you going?
I am sure the good people at arriva and go northern have a contigency plan . pogo stick anyone ? :spangled:
yeah i went cold turkey when i quit for a year but have started social smoking again none through the week the 30-50 a night at the weekend :(...
jabbing with what :spangled: roids or wonka bars ?
Is that what happend in the dream :o sorry smut filled thread brings out the worst ! You must either be extremley frustrated or really...
yeah thats just malcom christie evry time tho :lol: boumsong has totally lost any form he had . bramble needs games and taylor has mad e one...
Re: Promise 'Love-in' Seems a bit worrying that all the blokes are up for this and no women considering you put the whole no gay tactics rule...
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