6 a day meals..

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Jason Bourne, Jan 6, 2005.

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  1. Jason Bourne

    Jason Bourne Registered User

    Oct 14, 2002
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    6 a day meals..

    Been looking at doin this for a few months.. its a plan where you eat six little meals over the course of the day instead of 3 big meals..

    I think u do it cos its easier for your body to break down the food into usuable sources of energy.. :up:

    Anyways been looking into it and I've got some sensible food in but I just wanna know exactly how to do it..

    I've noticed a few ppl on here are into this sorta keepin healthy thing and thought ya might be able to give me some tips.. :D
  2. 1615634792921.png
  3. Allie

    Allie Registered User

    Aug 22, 2002
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    Leeds & Newcastle
    Speak to Jon Mack about it, he eats about 6 times a day I think. Although, he eats six big meals, so it kinda defeats the object :lol:
  4. Cookee

    Cookee Registered User

    Jul 13, 2003
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    I think its a good idea :up: But I can imagine you will always feel a bit hungry since you are gonna be eating smaller amounts at a time.
  5. Cookee

    Cookee Registered User

    Jul 13, 2003
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    I wouldnt either, I eat far too much and I dont have time to have 3/4 meals at work. Full of busy :crazy:
  6. Miller

    Miller Registered User

    May 4, 2002
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    The Corner
    The thing is though, if you eat a small meal it makes you more hungry, but if u can just get over that, it does actually do the trick. The most important thing is to have breakfast, it makes you burn off more calories through the day, I'm going to try and do it, I'm becoming a right fat ****!:cry: Back on my bike to work tmr, and going to try and stop eating bread and so many potatoes, hungry days ahead!:(
  7. loopyloosy

    loopyloosy Registered User

    Feb 19, 2002
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    nah, ususally if you eat till you are full then your body cant cope with that amount of food, as it takes your stomach about 10 mins to tell your brain that its full, so usually if you eat a smaller amount, wait ten mins then you will feel full.

    what i did to lose some weight last year was a carbohydrate curfew, where after i went to work at about 3, i didnt eat any carbohydrates, just as you dont burn them off later than that as you usually arent very active. Worked for me :up: i could cook ness and i some food, and i would just have it without potatoes or whatever, and eat veg or salad. easy to do, and if you really crave bread or pasta you just have it during the day :)
  8. Cookee

    Cookee Registered User

    Jul 13, 2003
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    :mad: You are not.

    You should do that the other way round, so your body has time to digest it. It'd also give you more energy thru the day
  9. Cookee

    Cookee Registered User

    Jul 13, 2003
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    I lost over half a stone in 2 weeks, loosely sticking to that before my holidays :)
  10. loopyloosy

    loopyloosy Registered User

    Feb 19, 2002
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    aye i put on most of the weight i had as ness used to live right next to the BEST takeaway ever - kebab with free chips and garlic sauce, chicken tikka roll (bits of chicken tikka, chips, and garlic sauce in a big pitta bread) lovely fish and chips, creamy korma at the indians, and the night we (ness, marty and i) ate half a pound of cow each with bacon and cheese in a bun.

    takeaways are just so convenient.

    mmmm. im fucking starving now :(
  11. Cookee

    Cookee Registered User

    Jul 13, 2003
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    Me too, but I like curvy :D :p
  12. loopyloosy

    loopyloosy Registered User

    Feb 19, 2002
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    you cant eat indians for fucks sake!!! its illegal innit??
  13. loopyloosy

    loopyloosy Registered User

    Feb 19, 2002
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    it would be classed as murder surely????
  14. Miller

    Miller Registered User

    May 4, 2002
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    The Corner
    We have a few a week like, going to limit it to 1 a week now though! Can't beat a home cooked roast and trimmings like! I don't know how I'm going to give up bread, but I'm going to have too! Here comes the gym!

    Rach, I am so. I've put all my fatness back on, gutted!:cry:
  15. Jason Bourne

    Jason Bourne Registered User

    Oct 14, 2002
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    I'm mainly doin this cos I know that it'll help me get a healthy and (hopefully) a decent body..

    I've even started reading "mens health" magazine.. invested in weight and one of those ball things..

    I'm goin for it this time.. even got a routine and muscle group work outs sorted.. but I'm still tryin to get my head around what to eat when.. I know that I'm gonna kick out carbs after 6, oats for brekkie, some peanut butter sandwiches at 10 but apart from that I'm stuck..

    Apparently smoothies are really good for ya 2.. and whey powder..

    Think I might be gettin a bit tooo into this.. :oops:
  16. Jason Bourne

    Jason Bourne Registered User

    Oct 14, 2002
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    I used to have bout 4 or 5 a week.. rangin from pizza to curry and chinese etc..

    Managed to cut it down but my lass kicks off when I refuse them 2 often..

    However I've found that even if I eat a pizza every night if I monitor what I eat during the day and I keep that below say 700 / 800 cals and I go to the gym 3 times a week with a decent workout ( 30 mins carbs 45 mins weights) then I can keep my weight wroughly around the same level.. :up:
  17. Guest

    Just some info >>>>>>>>> 3 million peeps are ment to be on the atkins diet in the UK

    i'm a skinny person and i dont eat like a horse and my diet consists of .... no breakfast i just get up and go me ! but its ment to be the most important meal of the day ... once i had it and i must admit it filled a void .. kinda made me more metally stable... advice for lasses .. eating every 3 hours reduces PMT ...6 meals a day sound well sensible... having breakfast made me feel more hungry at tea time and i just didnt eat any snack later on .. canny good !
    Since quitting smoking i gained weight and the only snack i have now is plain walkers if i have to eat something later on whilst star trek is on ... hehe1 ... narh man Little Britain n sex and the city lol when i was a :chill: > tac head lol i used to eat loads of munch i curbed that with another pipe... if you smoke it do that and then sleep.
    @ work i sometimes go with out or just eat a sandwich and deffos fruit, apple and mini bannah > got to be a baby one theyre better than the longer one LMAO em if you dont likek fruit
    For tea microwave meal.
    Days off ... deffo eat a healthy dinner.. proper meal, meat n veg ... have no tea when you get in just Snack. Thats me anyways if you wanna be slimmer geeet small size me
    also curry's hmmmm thousands of calories .. i'll only have them when i've got a cold :D like a luxury healthier than beechams first
  18. Allie

    Allie Registered User

    Aug 22, 2002
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    Leeds & Newcastle
    If you work out properly, eating/drinking protein every 3 hours helps keep your body in optimum condition too. Fuck that though.

    For those of you that can remember that far back, I was once a bit of a porker. I was on and off the Atkins diet for about 5 weeks and lost around 2 stone. I'd recommend it to anybody as a short-term diet.
  19. Guest

    i know fuck that i wont be eating every three hours ...

    what does the atkins diet consist of anyways i dont know i've heard you can eat what you like but durgh ... whats thats supposed to mean
  20. Allie

    Allie Registered User

    Aug 22, 2002
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    Leeds & Newcastle
    It's basically a carbohydrate-free diet. Dr. Atkins believed that thousands and millions of years ago, man survived on meat alone, and there has been no evidence of any fat cavemen, so he based his diet around this. Theoretically, if you don't eat carbohydrates (your body's primary energy source), your body then uses fat as energy. Usually, in a balanced diet, carbohydrates are used as energy and fat is stored. If you're constantly digesting fat and no carbs, your body sees no reason to store any fat, so you lose weight. It can lead to a lot of problems such as liver & kidney damage and hypertension (high bloodp ressure) if you're on it for too long though.
  21. Jon Mack

    Jon Mack Registered User

    Jul 1, 2002
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    comfortably numb !
    when I'm training I do eat six times per day

    6 scrambled eggs @ 7am only two yokes from the eggs
    1 Protein shake meal replacement @ 10.30
    1 cooked chicken breast, steamed veg + muller rice @ 12.30
    1 Protien shake meal replacement @ 14.30
    Train both cardio & weights
    1 Protien shake
    1 grilled fillet steak + 1 cup of boiled rice with low cal sauce, usually @ 7.30-08pm. Don't eat after that time as it goes straight to storage as fat.

    Low on carbs & high in protien, gets rid of fat but is quite £££ to stay on.

    I eat loads cos I have a very fast metabolism, I'm quite energetic without drugs.

    I'm back on this now, should shed the xmas pounds in no time and get back into shape.

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