Re: Ahmed Agree totally, the guy is a fucking numbnut. Oh i have a runny nose, cant do that. The public should get him out. Its all J and Victors fault, for making him beleive he was cool. Imigrant, can i say that.
yeah hes ok when he goes mad, but hes just like a little kid who moans, especially when he says he has a cold and a sore throat and cant do any of the tasks
He came to England to get out of doing his National Service in his Samalia, or wherever the fuck hes from. I thought we only let imigrants in who are being, persecuted, raped, tortured ect, and this guy come on National telly and says he came here cause he didn't want to go in the army. Wot a numbnut. The Home Office should look at his application more closely me thinks.
he's an ignorant childish pathetic coward... Geordies right - he needs a dry slap and booting out of the door.