that's one of the links for it. my lass seems to think it will be fun this this week. also when i woke up this morning i had a note gore me to assemble a shit load of flat pack furniture she had bought but had kept secret till she went to work. i dunno.where she got this stuff from but non of it is in English and the pictures must have been drawn by Picasso
I did the branding and promotional material for it at the last Agency I worked for. Went down it as they were on renovating it before they put all of the lights and audio inside. Very cool and interesting. Not many people seem to know it exists Not recommended if your in any way afraid of confined spaces though!!
This should give you an idea of how it looks:
i thought the tour was alreet. it was an hour long. then had a few pints at the cluny after. only beef i had was 3 Chinese students with cameras the size of houses. flashing constantly