armin on galaxy the other night

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by magicpaul, Jul 22, 2002.

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  1. magicpaul

    magicpaul Registered User

    Nov 14, 2001
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    in my lil magic office....
    armin on galaxy the other night

    did anyone listen?? how good was armin??!! too good to be on galaxy that's for sure. listened to it on saturday night, then on sunday as i edited out all the adverts off the mini disc, then this-morning listened to it again advert free!! well done mr van buuren one of the best sets i've heard him play (got off to a class start with solar stone seven cities, played back to cali, rapture, the prophet and loads more i can't remember the names of!!). :D

    looking forward to him even more at gkgg!!

    also got tiesto on md was good but quite proggy not quite as hard as he's been playing lately. :(

    missed pvd due to being a sleepy head! :p

    will armin be rebooked for promise??
  2. 1615634792921.png
  3. cyberted

    cyberted Registered User

    Nov 11, 2001
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    working @ the blue corner drop in and say hello!
    ahhh well done mr magik ur tune spotting skills are improving me sees!! so it was an awesome set to be fair have neva heard armin play a shit set alwways impresses me well done mr armin me finx!!

    cant wait to hear this et tho paul!!

    ui say tiesto was crap akkk bet he wasnt tho!!

  4. magicpaul

    magicpaul Registered User

    Nov 14, 2001
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    in my lil magic office....
    no never said he was crap said he didn't play as hard as he has been lately you know me still likes a bit of prog!! :p

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