bi-sexual?? One of my friends last night told me she fancied me and she'd have my rude parts over any mans any day :wtf: :wtf: caught me totally off guard to say the least but then again she was pissed so i dont know what to make of it?? :think: it doesnt bother me that sh's bi, not at all, but shes a mate and its a bit weird knowing she wants to bump rudeys!
Re: Re: bi-sexual?? (cough) Video tape (cough) I got a camera nah sounds like its a drunken moment ... you shouldnt read anything into it but id still confront her discreetly and if she comes up with a was just drunk your ok but if she ads I dont want anything to come in the way of our friendship then she really wants to chew on your niplits !
aye you could be right because then she asked my ex to persuade me into having a threesome with her, me and him!! i think shes just being greedy!
Well done you! Casy - sounds like she is quite keen if she has asked your ex to persuade you to have a threesome too. Could just be the alcohol talking though. Is she a very close friend? See how she acts next time you see her. If she appears a bit embarrassed, you probably have nothing to worry about. If she still seems keen, just tell her you aren't interested.
no, they are my girlfriends friends.! was tryin to say that from what ive heard or been told, that its more common with women then with men. apparently women sleeping together is different from men sleeping together.... apart from the obvious! digging a hole now.. but i know what i was trying to say....ahh forget it.
she's not that close, i wouldn't consider her to be as close as cazz or even katie and jessica but i do see her quite a bit, she's more like the mate i go out to wild nights to with or parties, i met her in hedkandi and found out she lived quite close and shared some of the same partying fiends anyway i told her even if i did fancy girls she's not my type, shes soo small i'd break her and im the one who likes being thrown about lol, she just laughed it off abd slapped the lips on me :blush: this is all in the oasis, the most dingiest pub in washington!
although the bother men get you in i wish i did sometimes!! i know this is like maybe a stupid question but im really nosey, B.O.B > do you get the same hassle from females as you do men? and did you always know you that you were born lucky enough to like females?!! you don't have to answer me if you think i'm being a nebby bugger, i'm just like this, i like to know!
No, not usually. However more straight women hit on me than gay ones! In fact, current gf was straight until she met me. From about the age of 15.
cool!! my mams lesbian friend onced asked me out on a date. that was scarey as shes known me since i was 14 :shock: my mam found it funny, told her mate to form a que! that was before i had ellie like! maybe i look like i fancy girls?? if you can look like that?? lol i've always been intrigued in stuff like this, how other people think about things differently and other peoples emotions, i duno, maybe i just think too much into people, or maybe i'm just too nosey!! i ALWAYS tell my friends that if i find out they are hiding stuff from me i'd kill them as i think knowing them properly will help me understand why they do things and if they are ever in trouble i'd be able to help! and i never judge people although most of the time i can see straight through numpties and dont waste my time! but this came as a shock to the system!! but no matter what i'l be her friend, as long as she doesnt keep trying to turn me gay!!! haha!