Bush at it again...when will the idiots learn?! http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/middle_east/7397400.stm George "dubya" has said in a BBC interview that he plans to strengthen the Lebanese army to defeat Hezbollah! He also said that there were "concrete examples" that North Korea had been helping Lebanon's neighbours Syria to build a nuclear reactor. So, thats Syria getting bombed (again ) by the US in June, then Lebanon will be screwed over by Xmas. .....and thousands of young Americans soldiers will die in the process............leave them alone George.
I was only kidding mate But he said "He said the US was helping the Lebanese army become effective enough to act against Hezbollah's armed wing." He prob means he's helping train the troops and providing weapons/materials etc I'm no fan of Bush, but he would be very stupid to be sending american troops in anywhere at the minute with the us publics opinion of iraq
Thats true but with the US's habit of "helping" and arming organisations then saying "these people are a danger" and blowing them up, its only a matter of time. The only reason they're dangerous is because u armed them in the first place u stupid redneck knacker! Its no surprise that Bush is a Fundamental Christian like, comes back round to the creationists again. Not only have they got the theory of creation so idiotically wrong but they contribute mostly to the destruction of man and are also the main example of whats wrong with the world (and especially the states) today.
lol what does Judaism have to do with the clash of a Lebanese islamic militia and a lebanese christian government? oh I forgot, the jews control all governments.