FreePhone the UK Independence Party

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by SeniorChem Si, May 23, 2004.

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  1. SeniorChem Si

    SeniorChem Si Registered User

    Feb 14, 2002
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    Getting it on
    FreePhone the UK Independence Party

    You know, the one Kilroy "smug orange bastard" Silk is standing for....

    Got election leaflet off the with their freephone number - 0800 587 6587 - being freephone they pay the bill when you phone so I called em to say what lovely weather we're having :cool:

    Childish I know but every little helps innit
  2. 1615634792921.png
  3. Congay

    Congay Registered User

    Aug 22, 2002
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  4. trance_fan

    trance_fan Registered User

    Nov 7, 2002
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    fuck that like.

    lol, i found their party election broadcast highly ironic.

    On two occasions, one with a black man, and one with an asian man saying, and i quote:

    "Stop lax immigration rules"

    i mean, seriously, WHAT THE FUCK?!

    I never thought I would see such an anti immigration proposal from someone with black or asian roots:lol:
  5. trance_fan

    trance_fan Registered User

    Nov 7, 2002
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    lol yeah, pretty sad!

    Indeed you don't have to be white to be racist, I just found it pretty ironic that they should say it :D
  6. Smog

    Smog Registered User

    Nov 21, 2003
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    You would be surprised... many of the asian and black communities long established in this country are highly against lax immigration laws. Just because they suffered ignorance when they first arrived doesn't mean they won't dish some out themselves. They are not always going to feel empathy for people who come here that are non white just because they are of a different ethnc background.

    For the record... immigration laws should be tighter, but the uk independance party should not (and won't) be the ones to do it. Many immigrants are highly benificial to this country, but some are not... we cannot take all and sundry, regardless of whether they want a better life... there is far too much social and economic politics surrounding the situation for me to express how I feel on the subject, but there has to be a limit. :up:

    Also it is very true to say that ethnic miorities in this country have rascist elements... this is a very touchy subject but its fact, I feel it is harder for a (normal, not openly rascist people like skinheads) white person to be rascist today because of the consequences (and rightly so) that will befall them... but the same rules that govern me should also apply to everyone.

  7. Miss T

    Miss T Registered User

    Nov 9, 2002
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    causing anarchy!
    This is probably gonna sound really dense! But who are the UK independence party? (I'm not very knowledgable when it comes to politics)
  8. Smog

    Smog Registered User

    Nov 21, 2003
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    They want britains removal from the european union... they want to keep the pound etc. Basically keeping britain british for the sake of it with no real convictions or solid reasoning!

    Their manifesto is here

  9. trance_fan

    trance_fan Registered User

    Nov 7, 2002
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    The man knows his schitt :worship:
  10. SeniorChem Si

    SeniorChem Si Registered User

    Feb 14, 2002
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    Getting it on
    Same as the BNP but with suits instead of Doc Martens & bomber jackets
  11. Yosef Ha'Kohain

    Yosef Ha'Kohain Registered User

    Nov 11, 2001
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    Did you lift this from a BNP pamphlet?

    Firstly economic migration (from say EU states) and Asylum Seekers are completely fucking different! The UK (like most affluent western nations) relies on economic migrants to sustain its economy, migrants aren't highly beneficial - they are fucking vital!

    Simple question, how will our economy colapse if someone from a foreign country CONTRIBUTES to it?

    As for asylum seekers, could you elaborate on your post... Do you think these numbers should be curbed and if so why?
  12. Smog

    Smog Registered User

    Nov 21, 2003
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    Haha... my turn for the BNP bandwagon is it? ;)

    I was being general and classing asylum seekers and migrants into one group... a tad foolish maybe but as I said there is too much politics surrounding the situation for me to eloborate on in one post... we recieve many highly skilled and essential migrants in this country that bolster the needs of the NHS, etc. I'm not disputing that the vast majority of these are benificial.

    I never even mentioned our economy collapsing... I agree many migrants are vital.

    On the subject of asylum sekers... I have a lot of personal experience of asylum seekers so don't dismiss my views easily. I had two friends, one from sierra leone and one from liberia, who arrived in this country by stowing away on boats. They nearly died. I fully believe that they were being persecuted in their own country and had to come here. Also my home town has many kosovan and ethnic albanian refugees... and the ones I met seemed very genuine.

    However I am not naive enough to belive all asylum seekers are like this... many are not under immediate threat in their own countries and could live sustainably within them. Also, we are considered a "soft touch" on asylum, that is why many prefer to come here. I would argue that it is not neccessarily the numbers that need curbing, but that a great effort needs to be put into establishing who is genuine from who isn't. I also do not believe it is productive when asylum seekers are housed in "poorer" areas because they are subject to racism and it is far easier for them to fall into crime... this creates bad blood and a negative attitude which creates the general feeling today that tabloids like the sun prey upon.

    I reckon the BNP would love me :)
  13. Yosef Ha'Kohain

    Yosef Ha'Kohain Registered User

    Nov 11, 2001
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    You not wrong, young, educated and right wing... nick griffin jnr?

    Bundling the two is both ignorant and foolish :p

    Can you tell me what you base your idea that many asylum seekers are bogus on? In your personal experience both were genuine.... I personally couldn't hazard a guess at the statistics, labour claim 42% are genuine but they are forced to hit numbers so this a completely biased figure.

    As for being the soft touch in 2002 we were ranked 8th in Europe (we've tightened up since then)... this is just standard right wing bullshit...

    What do you base any of the above post on?
  14. Smog

    Smog Registered User

    Nov 21, 2003
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    I'm also not a racist fuck :)

    I don't know that the refugees I met were genuine... I believe thay are because the stories they told were horrific and the lengths they went to to get here were extreme to say the least. I take government statistics with a pinch of salt, but unfortunately there are not many reliable sources at my disposal so most of my opinions are based on personal experience and people I trust.

    I base my opinion that many (i'm not suggesting a majority, I wouldn't like to guess the figures) asylum seekers are bogus on common sense. Many people are opportunistic and if the chance of a better life presents itself they will take it... who can blame them? However, the dangers involved in reaching this country suggests to me that there is a hefty proportion of genuine asylum seekers. But there are bogus ones... I don't need primary sources to back this up... remember, I grew up on teesside and stories of bogus asylum seekers are ten a penny, many are bullshit, but not all can be discounted. If you know of any sources to back up or dispute my views i'm all ears :D

    And yes I am right wing... but only just ;)
  15. Yosef Ha'Kohain

    Yosef Ha'Kohain Registered User

    Nov 11, 2001
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    2002 asylum chart:

    Sri Lanka
    DR Congo

    How the fuck do you so brashily brand them as oppertunists, the vast majority of asylum seekers come from countries of conflict or oppression... by our own asylum regulations we wont accept them from other coiuntries - so it seems very foolish to label them as oppertunists.

    theres nothing oppertunist about fleeing for your life.

    I'm not saying you don't get bogus asylum seekers, just saying its a very weak arguement weilded by the right wing.
  16. Smog

    Smog Registered User

    Nov 21, 2003
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    I said "many people are opportunistic". Not every person who attemps to gain enrty to this country. This goes for everyone... including refugees.

    We generally get an influx of asylum seekers when there is an outbreak of war, bosnia, kosovo, afghanistan etc... I can see the reason why people would want to escape conflict.

    What about in countries not affected by war? Other events such as natural disasters are genuine reasons, but it is far harder to ascertain whether someone is genuinly escaping persecution or oppression. This is where there is a dark area, we cannot just let anyone into the country who claims this... how do we know they are not fleeing their country because they are a criminal? I would say that is a rare occurence but it has to be taken into account. Some people just want a better life, we can offer that but they could still live a productive life in their own countries. Its the seperating of genuine cases from bogus cases where I feel the problem is not being tacled efficiently, but I can't see how to combat it.

    Where do we draw the line? We have a right to defend and look after people who are genuinly disadvantaged but there has to be limits to what this one country can do.

    Plus I don't think I speak for the right wing, I have been accused of being a lefty liberal too many times... as I have said many times before, you cannot solved problems with just right wing policies or just left wing policies, there has to be a compromise.
  17. Yosef Ha'Kohain

    Yosef Ha'Kohain Registered User

    Nov 11, 2001
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    But this is such a silly arguement, we only accept asylum seekers from countries where these regimes are in place... So maybe a thief slips through... what is one thief to thousands of genuine cases?

    The vast majority of refugees can't reach england, there are millions housed in the third world, on the whole we tend to get the educated ones who can contribute to british society...

    Despite BNP/NF/UKIP myths the vast majority of these people don't sit around in 5 star hotels spending our money on gay porn.

    How wont our country cope? I hear this arguement a lot, but I've never seen any hard facts to back this up.... just opinions. Enoch Powell used the very same arguement... nothing happened.
  18. Guest

    rim not racist in the slightest and am all for helping other countrys but what really pisses me off is we put so much effot into helping other countrys, but we cant even help ourselves and look after our own country properly and help the homeless and less fortunate in our own country, id much rather help the people in britain who are genuine and want to help themselves but cant because of various other circumstances.
  19. Yosef Ha'Kohain

    Yosef Ha'Kohain Registered User

    Nov 11, 2001
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    a human is a human, how can you value one life over another?

    The homeless and the less fortunate are considerably better off than someone who has just witnessed her families rape and murder surely?

    We have huge infastructures setup to help our needy, these problems are being addressed - if we as a progressive nation don't help those less fortunate who will?

    It is our responsibility as humans to save lives if we can.
  20. Yosef Ha'Kohain

    Yosef Ha'Kohain Registered User

    Nov 11, 2001
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    The irony of it is, if you were to go down the local job centre you'd get far more people complaining about refugees sponging off the system than if you were to go down to your local country club :D

    England has bred a large population of people who expect to recieve a lot for very little effort...
  21. Smog

    Smog Registered User

    Nov 21, 2003
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    Fair point, but i'm not just talking about criminals... i'm talking about how we assess who is genuine and who isn't. If new techniques were employed that proved the vast majority of asylum seekers are genuine I would be more than happy. However, we do not know this... that is what I dislike. I don't want people arriving in this country seeking asylum who have no real reason for leaving their own country

    Because many refugees can't reach britain, thats why we should use sustainable policies to limit the amount or the intensity of people affected. Sustainable development policies in many third world countires (or western policies towards them) are not adequate and hinder progress. Wishful thinking maybe, but the only real way to stop refugees is to tackle the displacement reasons behind them. If developing countries can eventually cope with their own problems it means we won't have to, but that is a long way off so currently we have a debt to help these nations.

    Enoch Powell was a racist. But in his day it was more people from the commonwealth (which we should hold a lot of responsibilty for) coming to the UK. Nowadays it is a far wider spectrum of people, but that is largely irrelavant. If people continue to come here, the population will grow, we will be paying more taxes to sustain services and this will eventually become unsustainable and the economy will suffer... it all depends on the numbers arriving... we already have a population nearing 60 million. What about unemployment? Also, we might live in a multi-cultural society, but even many ethnic minorities are opposed to rising asylum applications, this only goes on to create more racial tension which is not healthy. We need to learn to accept people of different backgrounds... sticking the asylum seekers in poor areas with pikies is not going to ease tension... it ignites it.

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