Help wanted Hey peeps. any one know how to get round that little click you get on the choper in cubase? It can't be be EQ out as this effects the audio. tryed bouncein to audio to cut it out (can't be done as its in the sound grr) i could cover it up with some percush but thats defeating the object ?? any help welcome.. :spangled:
If the problem is clicks at the start and end of each chopped up section (if I'm right in thinking the chopper chops up audio loops? not familiar with cubase really), make very short fades at the start and end of each section (less than 10ms), and that should solve the problem.
i'm not sure if you have used cubase or the choper b4 ? well the clicks are in the middle of the sound ( pads ) so its not like i can make very short fades at the start and end of each sections & in all honestly i wouldnt want to because all that dose is take the attack away (altho you are right it could work if only the click was at the start or end) as for a gate , i would need somethink to open that gate (trigger) altho this can be done it would make a mess of my sound & i would not achieve what i set out to do. Thanks for your help tho.. just so you know the clicks are in the middle of the pad where the frequencies cross ( i have the setings on Swirl preset to provide a smooth tremolo effect ( speed - 1/16 + (depth 45)
sorted... put the waves x click plugin on and thats done the job without fuckin with the sound.. cheers for your help tho