HELP! Managed to get into my system via safemode here. I've been infected by the trojan.bamital inf, it's probly the worst fuckin virus i've ever had, i can't hadly type here without shit popping up, it's even stoppin me from clicking links on google, but for some reason i can access Nucastle and Facebook. I was wondering, would someone please google trojan.bamital inf remval tool for me and post the link as it will let me open a link from here, just won't let me via my browsers as there all infected. It's that bad i can't even log onto msn, it's completely fucked this hard drive like, busy backing up all my data now. Again if anyone can google me a direct link for a trojan.bamital inf removal tool i'd really appreciate it, maybe i can save this hard drive if i can get on the removal tool Oh and norton 2010 can't even remove it fucking sick man.
That's because Norton 2010 is the worst piece of software on the market and only morons use it. Virus well and truelly deserved cocopop.
Can only seem to find as far as * HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Contro l\Session Manager\ but that was me doing it in safemode w/networking, as i can't even look at my registry when logged into my user account Worth getting a new hard drive do u think?, or could there be another way around it.
Even if you get a new hard drive you'll still end up with virus'. And just format the fucker if it's too complex for you to fix. Or bring it round i'll fix it for you and charge you for the honor. Not that you'd have any cash since you spend it all going out clubbing
I'll bring it round & put it over you're fuckin head ya cunt mr clever there "oh just remove norton, u don't need any virus protections" ! Lockin at cash's tonight, i've told him ur showing up about 9, with ur fish heads Lmao... don't let him down don't be late, you'll miss the curry punch. p.s, sinse i was thick enough to listen to you telling me to use no virus protection & fucked my laptop... bag you're fucking desktop & bring it round, & throw in a sarnie
My desktops worth more than everything in your fucking flat And again don't click on random links and browse through asian porn websites and you won't get virus' on your machine. AV software isn't essential, simple as that.
just back up and then flatten the fucker mate, i had a similar problem a few weeks ago. i've went back to the idea of one partition for the system and another for everything else. then simply format when needed.
Total nightmare man, i'm slowly winning, managed to removed 6 malware & a cupla other viruses, i've still one left though thats causin some medium threat problems. Was that bad b4 i couldn't even open ableton msn FF nout Think i need some sort of decent reg cleaner, not sure where this trojan could be hiding, noton says it's infected explorer.exe though. If a can't get it up & runnin properly by tonight i'm just gonna go buy a new one next week, there goes my savings theres always sumit b4 fuckin xmas.
Rory, Kieran summed it up nicely.. "i've went back to the idea of one partition for the system and another for everything else. then simply format when needed. " Take that advice.