How come... (stupid question but it's annoying me) the top of the page where it tells you who's browsing this section of the forum, I'm ALWAYS at the end of the list?? I ruled out it being alphabetical immediately, then I figured it must be by the date of joining the board, but the really new people are always infront of me too! Then I thought it might be how long you've been logged onto the board, but I've stayed on for hours and still been at the end of the list! It's just one of those tiny tiny things that's getting on my nerves! I NEED ANSWERS!!!
Re: How come... i asked the same question once, its becos when you have clicked back to mission control, you will have been the last person to enter that page. sayin they page does'nt refresh from then onwards you'll remain last untill you click onto another thread.
Ahh..question answered. Case closed. Sorted. I can go to bed now, comfortable in the knowledge that other people are at the end of the list. I shall sleep well tonight (That may be because I've had a few drinks at the pub with my family doing the quiz, which we came 3rd in and won £3.50! )
you always appear last hen in date order from who registerd first to last across the screen to left to right... an educated guess