Illegal Parachutist dies at Eiffel Tower A Norwegian man has died in an unauthorised parachute jump off the Eiffel Tower in Paris. Police say the man, 31, died instantly when he smashed into the first level of the landmark after his parachute got snared and detached from him. He had leapt from the second level, 115 metres (380 feet) high. Police are investigating reports that the victim was one of three men who planned to film the jump to promote a Norwegian clothing brand. ---------------------------------- Wacky till the end!! unlucky son
you take your chances... next, the clothing brand will be suing the french goverment for having a land mark 'that injures people'
Thats weird, I thought there was fencing up all the way around to stop people doing just that! Of course there was the famous story of the mental bloke in the 30s or something who thought he could fly and jumped off. he had a heart attack and died before he hit the ground though