John Peel Tribute Anyone been listening to this? They played the Hamster Dance song and now there's some dutch hardcore bangin out. I miss John Peel.
I was listening last night on my way home from jack2jack........ SCOTCHEGG???? Japanese Gabba.........plays his music through a gameboy and throws scotchegg's out to the audience...... SOUNDED MINT!!!! coming soon to our very own BACKLASH
KT TUNSTALL apparently also played it as her last song last night.... i think i would have cried like a baby
I didnt cry, i danced around like a loon a lot. They also played You'll never walk alone....lots of lighter waving
i think the original teenage kicks i would have danced around a lot. but kt tunstall version would be like a moment of mourning BET JP WAS PROUD OF THE UK LAST NIGHT