Longest set you've done What is it? I'm on about no stops at all - one continuous mix The longest I did was 5.25 hours recorded straight onto MP3 when I had the day off work. I was like a zombie by the end plus my legs were absolutely killing. You realise what a feat Tenaglia's marathons are after it but I suppose at least he's got a crowd to give him energy
Me and M-X have done about 15 hours back to back before. I usually get to do 6 hours on my decks most Saturdays!!!
Played on the beach near Tivot in Montenegro last year for 12 hours, that was fucking class. Sun in the sky and bikini's as far as the eye could see. Whenever it got too hot, would put on a really long track and run down for a quick dip in the sea Done a few free parties a while ago in Leeds some on my own some with Lister and they often stretched on for about 13/14 hours. magic.
R U Tribal ? has done days im sure ! I have been to his after Shindig and he's been DJ'in then which would be a saturday / sunday - i know he was DJ'in from the thursday onwards !
I haven't got decks and I can't mix, but, I've played CDs with sets on all day at a party I had a couple of weeks ago. Beats any bedroom DJ
i done a 6 hour one once, straight after promise i hadnt had nothing to 'keep me awake' either shall we say and after the 6 hour hour set i CHOSE to walk the hour walk home. i guess i musta been high off the atmosphere :groovy:
i dunno what the most is, but probs about 5/6 hours, but the 1st 2/3 hours seem to go really quickly! i'm always late for stuff when i've had a quick mix...