Matchstick Men I know this film wasn't "huge" so don't know if many would have heard of it....Really good film! Anyone seen it?
Re: Matchstick Men I thought this was really boring, didn't get into it at all. Can't even remember what it was about now.
Re: Re: Matchstick Men I know what you was the twist at the end of the film that I thought made it so good though!
Re: Re: Re: Re: Matchstick Men Well if you had waited you would have realised it wasn't! Tssk!!! :tounge: :tut:
I've seen it but really can't remember whats happens.. somethin to do with conning ppl ain't it.. Giz a hint on the twist to try and revitalise my memory.
Thats made me think a bit.. gonna have to watch it again though. I was heavily intoxicated the first time I watched it.. kinda explains why I can hardley remember it!
I've just remembered.. It was a canny twist like. Makes the movie much better.. You start to pick up things that happend earlier in the movie that you didn't notica at the time! Recommended (It just took me a little time, its late )