panarama about that scientoligy lark brillient sheer brilient id love a load of em 2 follow me and we could row proppa quality all becasue they think there aliens
Its a complete joke is scientology, is it not just all based around some fiction novel that somebody wrote in the 50s or something?
It totally is a cult though, to describe it as anything other than a cult is just madness. Wish id seen this program to see the stupid cunts kicking off.
[ame=""]YouTube- Scientology & Me, John Sweeny - BBC Panorama Reporter[/ame]
Aye the Panorama reporter proper, proper kicked off like. He's a proper well-respected BBC journalist as well. According to him, they (the Scientology crew) were proper fucking with his head. They did a kind of reserse psychology trick on him by making a documentary on him making a documentary on them. He reckons he was getting followed and intimidated and all sorts. Was a really good watch like. My final conclusion is: Scientologists = Blatantly mental.
i watched it, that lead spokesman for them was MENTAL - proper out for a fight. When that bbc reporter went mental too and what was with them rolling out all the celebs?!? respected cause they're actors? i don't think so. they're the most mental people on the planet
All credit to the reporter for not lamping the Scientology guy. I don't think I would have been able to restrain myself, and I've never hit anyone in my life!
As a documentary it didn't go anywhere though did it. I'll reserve judgement on something which i'm uninformed on beyond media propaganda - but all it proved was that, that one particular guy was overly controling. Did nothing to either credit or dis-credit the organisation / religion. Still a good watch like
it was fucking mint that documentry last night, but it could ahve been sooooo much better if it was on for longer and the reporters deliberatly aggrevated the "scientogoly fanatic followers" to make more on film conflicts!!! that fucking dark haired bloke with the sunglasses on was a fruit cake like, how crazy is scientogoly man! - whereby there main retetailliation to critism is to publicly humiliate anyone who speaks out about it!
You are all wrong, scientology is commonly accepted as fact. I personally love this [ame=""]YouTube- Scientology Crazy Followers[/ame]
there'll be people in the year 2250 claiming that the 50's novel is the word of god because it's old and it's holy