popcorn perhaps the greatest snack food ever? we've got a popcorn maker in our house and i eat at least one massive bowl everyday (usually when we watch a film). i used to coat it in butte and sugar but just eat it pain now and it's much better!
no way...what better way to spend the rest of the night than topick it out with your tongue! jambon >>> nobber
Re: popcorn nah, that has to be `Sahara Nuts` Tried them last Monday night whilst down in Leeds, so addictive, they are coated, flavoured, warm nuts, £1 a tub, but well worth it!!!
japan has a green tea called Genmaicha which has popcorn & roasted rice in it! tastes a bit like popcorn but green tea like! yummy! but popcorns well tastey anyways! BUTTERKIST BUTTERKIST RAAA RAAAA RAAAA!!!!!