Promise Posters Is there a conttact us bit on the promise website so i can email them and get some free promise posters. For example like the 1's they advertise with saying the date and whos playing.
yep, that made me want them, ive seen loads of them recently. /me plays Tony De Vit - Give Me A Reason (Guyver Remix) Tuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuunnnnnnnnnne.
Aye - they're all over consett, not just the usual one or two at the number one roundabout... someones' really gone to town this time!
We bloody did! Saying that it was an amazing day night and day...Just I think they should make everyone wear tops at all times...and no rockports with tracksuit bottoms at all times
is stealing the posters from promise frowned upon?? my mate took one down and gave it to me for my birthday (we were both drunk )
I could do with some new posters Mark Have u got any of the Cosmic gate ones lying about, I think they were blue and white promoting their cd. Cheers Jimmy
You could sell them all for, say, a quid, each, everyone would buy loads and this could go someway to financing booking Adam Beyer!
nope jsut not take pisses in the middle off the cream arena fucking horrable that like. dirty scouse bastards!!