Reports Just got mine today for sixth form :blush: Can anyone remember theirs? Was anyone a badden/rebel at school? Any funny stories? :angel3:
Re: Reports I was a model school kid, ramped home in all my exams.Showed real promise....wonder what happened
I was exactly like i am now but a bit fatter ! I just pissed about all the time and was known as the clown Didn't listen much hense fuckin up me exams...
Was the outcome pretty bad?? To be honest before 6th form (and still now!!) I go out and have a really good time but still do okay in school :angel2:
one of my teachers once described me as 'challenging and obstinate, but yet brilliant' i was a bastard at school. i was even temporarily excluded when i was 13, and also banned from taking part in practical science experiments for a year. luckily i had matured by the time it came round to doing my GCSE's.
Didn't get any A - C's. Went to collage for a bit, quit! Got a job, got another job......then another then moved too Gran Canaria, moved home and started back a npower Worked out mint so far
Did it turn out okay? I mean were ur results good? I think everyone goes through the "Im 13 and I hate everyone" stage!!
lol duncan was telling us he got kicked out of his primary school for biting kids lol at school i was good got great results butwas very cheeky my tutor used to call me a fish mongers wife cos i wouldnt shut up
My m8 Dean was barred from school on tuesdays and thursdays due to various teachers refusing to teach him. He broke his PE teachers leg playing football
i was always a straight A student, even when i was a 13 year old bastard, thats what annoyed the hell out of my teachers. i got bored very easily though and couldn't be trusted to behave. i had a bad habit of setting fire to things in the labs, until i was excluded as i had pushed the teacher too far by setting fire to another lads workbook for a dare.
used to just piss around and get stoned or pissed back in the day but i miss it now,,,an especially since they all have study leave. "best days of ya life"
innit, beats the shit out of working. You have little money but also very few and very little problems