rock nite Next thursday my friend from work is taking me and my mate on a 'rock nite' including a rock club and rock pubs around the toon - the rock route as it is affectionally known. i am very very scared. I have no idea what to wear and think i will get beaten up 4 laffing at the less fortunate. any advice?
Me un our kid often frequent Trillians in town for a couple of swifts during a night out. I like rock chicks.
yeah but i dont look like a rock chick, i dont even look close to rock chick. i am going to stand out like a sore thumb and probably get my head kicked in by geordie rock chicks. oh i am so afraid.
youve got nowt to worrry about , as long as u dont stare or take the piss out of the rock types , have a laff with ur m8's by all means , just enjoy ya self n stop worrying about it , a change of scenery can be fun !!! ...fidds....
You may be surprised at how easy you fit in. Both HH and hard rock pound away - you will prob like it. If you go in "full on cyber" setup then you might get a few eyes, but nothing else. You scared a big randy rock lezza might be after a new plaything?
yes i am scared!! U cant dance to rock tho can u...they just leap around and hit each other... i mite get injured!! worse still......i might actually like it and go against all of my principles!!
I've been to Cuba Cuba on a Friday a few times and I've quite enjoyed it. I always know far more tunes than I thought I would. Cheap drink aswell. But loads of stinking rockers.
Sure you can dance to it - now I aint talkin old school "head bangin" style - leave that to the metal goons. Just move to the groove.
u havent seen me dance. people ask me if i amon drugs everywhere i go just cos of the way i i am hardly gonna fit in with mosheres am i? i think the answer to my troubles will be to get absolutely twatted so i can no longer see or hear. rck nites are meant to be messy so no 1 will mind if im sick on them
I went to a rock night in Morpeth once to see a mates band play, it was like a Meatloaf lookalike contest, weird!
go in full cyber, theres a rock nite on in boro on a thurs, and i'm dying to go in bright orange all you have to do to fit in is to look completely miserable, and if anyone asks just say your having the best nite of your life, simple.
thats more death metal kinda crack where they have mosh pits and stuff tho innit. and i reckon you'll end up in stonelove afterwards @ foundation. its very good if youre up for fun. if you go out thinking this is shit i hate it then you will. just enjoy
If your a KraZeY kind of girl when you dance - all over the place - then you may have found your calling. I aint seen many rockers who can dance - I bet this will soooo be your secne
i used to go to stonelove every week and really enjoyed it most times tbh!! (mainly cos i was usually very wrecked!) But we are going to the cooperage 4 rock and punk. oh god. hehehe i could go in a shiny white top n hotpants+furry boots and paint my face. then buck n weave all nite: show em how it's done!!