Sess and McClean

Discussion in 'Sport' started by Congay, Feb 4, 2012.

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  1. Congay

    Congay Registered User

    Aug 22, 2002
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    I predict this day, 2012 the following...

    Sess will be sold in the summer. Hes playing for move, thats what good players do up here... they play well then they sign for real teams. The only way you could keep a real great player would be if he was a product of the youth team and a local supporters.. along the lines of Andrew Carrol (but we know what happened there) .

    So thats it, Sess will go. Probs to Liverpool.

    James McClean.
    After seeing him play about 10 games hes fucking unreal. Hes come from Ireland witch must be like playing div3 and has just dropped in the EPL like a breeze. He also play the elusive AML positon.

    I fully expect a Man Utd bid in the summer as well.

    Have a pleasant evening.
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