Shindig Birthday Ticks Was, and am still hoping to be on guestlist. If this falls through at last minute will need to get ticket. Anyone know if there is many left?
Re: Shindig Birthday Ticks Si is was suppost to be getting mine yesterday...think u can still buy them. Why dont u email shindig to see if you can pay on the door or whatever
Re: Shindig Birthday Ticks Got an email saying tickets are still available on the day from: Newcastle City Centre - Tucci and HMV until 4pm, Coco V - near Central Station, Stereo - Quayside, I've not got mine yet but I'm not worried.
Re: Re: Shindig Birthday Ticks Definitely don't sell them there. I did get a free one though last night!!
Shindig 12th Birthday Tickets For anyone that still hasn't got a ticket for the Shindig 12th Birthday Party, you can buy tickets from HMV and Tucci until 4pm on Sunday and all day until the event kicks off from Stereo and Coco.V.
i've PM'd you helen if it's still on the go... trying to get pals to come with me so as I won't be a billy!