Shindig november lineup... 05.11.2005 Room 1 : DANNY RAMPLING (last ever newcastle gig) / SCOOBY / NEIL BAINBRIDGE Room 2 : PAUL HARRIS (dirty vegas) / SCOTT BRADFORD 12.11.2005 Room 1 : HARRY CHOO CHOO ROMERO / DEL Room 2 : PAOLO MOJO / SCOTT UDBERG (habit) 19.11.2005 Room 1 : MARTIN SOLVEIG / SIMON DUNMORE / SCOOBY Room 2 : DEL / MARK LOWRY (mardel) 26.11.2005 Room 1 : JON CARTER / MARK KNIGHT / SCOTT BRADFORD Room 2 : HYSTEREO (soma recs) NEIL BAINBRIDGE The first two weeks look really good Not sure I'd bother with solveig after the baltic (and love generation), as for the last time I saw Jon Carter it nearly sent juski to sleep
Uberduck will be the talk of the NE Clublife boards!! Newcastle will never forget this day and im sure he'll be more than happy to remind us if we do.... ALL HAIL UBERDUCK.
Not the best month. Backrooms generally look better than the main room. Anyone have the Wax On listings for Nov?
leave it out mate....have you even met him??? that is definitely not his style to push it in peoples faces jealous by the sounds of it
shindig back to their old ways then by the looks of it, two pretty stinking months in a row... wax on on the other hand are gonna cain my bank account in train fares for november!
scruf...your obviously a fan of wax on's musical style....which we try hard to keep away from so we dont compete.... so that will be why you dont like our line ups as we are a house night not a breaks/electro night... I wouldnt say Danny Rampling/Martin Solveig/Harry Choo Choo Romero/Mark Knight are "stinking" if you are into house music...
oh and we asked Udberg because 1. We think he is a good DJ 2. He is right on the ball with his music and upfront as fuck (used to come into Flying records with record lists weeks before we knew what they were) 3. Was the best person for the job before Paolo Mojo as Scott Bradford is away DJing elsewhere that night 4. Is good crack when he is pissed