SLI i built both my cousin and my own pc about 3 years ago using 2 identical 8800gts cards, my cousins has some sort of problem where by there are random couloured lines on the screen even in bios so im s=assuming somets gone tits up on it, im wondering if i can still get any use out of it in an sli setup but using my own working card as the display and the faulty one just for the extra number crunching. i basically wanna use a gpu for re encoding hd video. any clues?
This has literally just happened to mine yesterday and I have no idea how? It's like a magnetic field is near my monitor or something
sometimes just literally over time some products of age give in and this happens... i had my pc in the same place for years when this happened and i replaced the graphics card - soon after i did that though i needed a new PSU as well - so make sure (if you know how to check) that this isn't characteristic of early warning for PSU failure somehow because if that goes it can knack up your RAM too.