lee ur moby quote is cool.....but i dont like the fact that he said it: he used to be a bit far away from commercialism and that and now he's in all the papers and everywhere which puts me off him. I used to like him cos he seemed more concernded about producing good tunes than the money involved. dunno if that's the case nemore.
is it? fuck me. i can see freshers week shaping up nicely, starting with that motherfucker. £20 = get to see my tea again
so are you saying that youve gone off moby cos hes popular? or because you dont think his music is any good now. or do you not liek his music cos hes popular?
Moby He's had more commercial success than any artist through the massive popularity of using his tunes on adverts etc... but he never wrote the tunes for that purpose, he cashed in fair enough but there is a massive difference in what he has done as opposed to the exploiting ala judge jules and other kid on producers do
smile was a lot better than i expected......music was decent i thought.....i am so ill today tho, i got home with a graze on my stomach, mud on my face and clutching a geranium: always a sign uve had a good nite!
me n my friend had a fight in some bushes on the way home....then he made me climb over a number of fences which i kept falling off. classy. im not a fella