the Illuminati

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by DN HY, Jun 22, 2009.

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  1. DN HY

    DN HY 142 bmp

    Oct 28, 2005
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    the Illuminati

    right, watched a conspiracy program last night about the illuminati, and it touched on other groups like them aswell, anyone see it? or has anyone got any views on them and the way they work?

    granted you'd be a moron to assume they really did "control the world" like the fanatics on the documentary said - but its still got me thinking how much power they actually have, their members/ proposed members lists dont mess about, very powerful men in the ranks like

    [ame=""]Illuminati - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia@@AMEPARAM@@/wiki/File:Adam_Weishaupt01.jpg" class="image"><img alt="" src=""@@AMEPARAM@@commons/thumb/5/58/Adam_Weishaupt01.jpg/220px-Adam_Weishaupt01.jpg[/ame]
  2. 1615634792921.png
  3. BRID

    BRID Has name in red. Staff

    Jan 31, 2003
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    They DO exist (People like George Washington have written letters confirming it) and in all fairness it doesnt take much research to realise that by and large, a very small number of people are really 'at the top' of world control.

    Once you find out that the Bank of England and Federal Reserve are actually private banks set up by a few big families and high powered people, and that THEY direct governments and world events then it all starts to make a bit more sense. Throw in some of the silly societies that people like the USA presidents are all part of (E.g Skull and Bones), and some of the other non governmental groups and the like that our leaders and influential people turn up at .... and its all a bit scary.

    I think the problem with 'conspiracy theories' is that anything that dares to be different to the 'official story' is all bunched together along with crop circles, ufo's and bigfoot and instantly branded as lunacy.

    Most people are too embroiled in their own lives and belief systems to even CONSIDER the fact that there might or ARE forces in this world that arent working in their best interests. Lets face it, society would crumble if it came out tomorrow that some of the things those 'nutter conspiracy theorists' said was actually true eh.
  4. Gary Proud

    Gary Proud Registered User

    Apr 4, 2005
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    Angels & Demons.... the book touches massively on this (unsure of the actual Film as I've never seen it yet).

    But yeh, supposedly the Freemasons took them on board/gave them refuge when cells were ran out of town from the Catholic Church & they grew larger/worldwide within the shadows of the Mason society pushing their own Policies & scientific beliefs through the Society without it becoming too noticeable.

    They do exist, I know a few of my old mans mates who aer in the 'secret handshake' club (freemasons not Illuminati).

    As for controlling all the worlds money, banks, America etc... id say the Jews do.
  5. BRID

    BRID Has name in red. Staff

    Jan 31, 2003
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    Ever changing
    Interestingly enough, the book 'Angels and Demons' kind of builds up a story about the Illuminati only to come to the conclusion it doesnt exist at the end (From what i've heard). Not read it or seen it.

    Dan Brown came from a very interesting school called the 'Exeter Academy' which was set up to groom the children of the 'elite'. One of the guys who set up Facebook also came from there. The school was funded by a massive amount of money by people who said they could get the donations on the condition that they switch their teaching methods to the Aristotelian method (or something). Basically the guy who made the donation was in cahoots with John Rockefella, who is nearly always associated with the Illuminati when people discuss its membership.... Interesting eh ;)

    Even when you take the facts alone at face value it all looks fishy!
  6. Gary Proud

    Gary Proud Registered User

    Apr 4, 2005
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    Dan what was the programme called? wouldn't mind seeing this...
  7. DN HY

    DN HY 142 bmp

    Oct 28, 2005
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    conspiracy thoeries: the illumanti

    it was on sky three last night :up:
  8. Gary Proud

    Gary Proud Registered User

    Apr 4, 2005
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    The biggest con ever sold to the American public.

    2 passenger jets flew into 2 buildings on Sept 11 & as a result made 3 of them collapse in their own footprint at virtually free-fall speed.

    Check out Dr David Ray Griffin's podcast on Itunes & his seminars he delivers all around the world on the 9/11 topic, eye opening stuff.
  9. Congay

    Congay Registered User

    Aug 22, 2002
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    do you REALLY think George W Bush was the most powerful man in the world? I cant even be bothered to write some wise words here but lets just say Television rules the world but who controls it?
  10. Gary Proud

    Gary Proud Registered User

    Apr 4, 2005
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    I wouldn't have said the most powerful, however id definitely go as far as to say I think his Administration at the time were responsible for 9/11: Dick Cheney, philip zelikow, Secret Service etc...

    Out of all the 'Conspiracy Theory's' surrounding 9/11 the Official Report definitely has to be the most far fetched & distorted one of them all. The Twin Towers collapsing can easily be explained using the theory of explosives, yet N.I.S.T & Popular Mechanics have practically re-written the laws of Physics to explain theirs.

    For me there just far too much evidence stacked against the Official Report to even consider it to be the truth.
  11. adam.

    adam. kthxbi

    Dec 10, 2003
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    ive got a 9/11 dvd somewhere...confronting the evidence its called, loose change is good too.
  12. ManofScience

    ManofScience Guest

    that loose change was totally debunked. they used video clips editted and used quotes taken out of context.
  13. ManofScience

    ManofScience Guest

    yes, they go to the lengths of a massive cover up THEN use a military plane as the 2nd plane that everyone will be watching :lol:

    lap it up, you see what you want to see.
  14. ManofScience

    ManofScience Guest

    a bunch of hysterical women and a fat homeless virgin with geps? :lol:
  15. ManofScience

    ManofScience Guest

    ok - so it was the military. AND some demolitions guys that went in a few weeks before, spent DAYS drilling huge holes in the supports of the building, running tons of cables and then planting the explosives without anyone seeing or noticing.

    They managed to persuade EVERY SINGLE PERSON who was even vaguley involved never to breathe a word to ANYONE about any part of it. ever. not even their mums. it would only take 1 person involved who thought that it was wrong or wanted revenge to blow the whole thing open. But no, all these people have kept quiet.

    not THATS an impossibility.

    Conspiracy stories are fun and make u think or look at things a different way - but come off it, it's like religion - it's complete bollocks.
  16. Conway

    Conway helmet Staff

    Apr 16, 2003
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  17. BRID

    BRID Has name in red. Staff

    Jan 31, 2003
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    Ever changing
    Like i said though ... everything that challenges the status quo is branded a 'conspiracy theory' and ends up being judged along with every other story out there that may or may have not been made up by some nutter.

    Personally, i think that most of the evidence that points towards government (or shady 'agency') involvement is more believable than the official story we are supposed to believe .... Some of the facts we are calmly told to believe in are an absolute joke and its only our belief system that cant handle the possibility that 'our own' (or what we believe to be people acting on OUR behalf) could possibly have blood on their hands .... and we straight away try to disregard it.
  18. Gary Proud

    Gary Proud Registered User

    Apr 4, 2005
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    But the official version is also a 'Conspiracy Theory’?

    Government Officials were in the building though... Just days before the attack all of the Twin Towers internal security & Police were told to stand down & certain levels of the building totally emptied for a 'Secret Service operation'. To this day nothing has been published as to why or what exercise was carried out.

    In regards to keeping everyone quiet then it's really not that hard, those at the top end of this operation would have had officials working under different conditions whereby they wouldn't have had any idea what/who they were working for, failing that we all know the different ways/means of keeping people quiet/cordoning them off from whislteblowing...
    Take the Manhattan Project (Atomic Bomb) for a perfect example, over 100,000 people were working on it & ex-president (then to be) Harry Truman had no idea it was going on until he actually became President, secrets can be kept.

    Take the document signed by all of the people appointed by Bush to the top levels of the Whitehouse, Pentagon, and State Department stating that their foreign policy ambitions hinged upon the need for some sort of terrorist attack in order to facilitate the public support needed for such an agenda.
    The Project for the New American Century was established in 1997 by Robert Kagan and William Kristol and funded by three foundations closely tied to Persian Gulf oil and the weapons and defence industries. Calling themselves, "Neoconservatives" this small group penned a Statement of Principles outlining their plan for a New American Century wherein the United States, as the world's lone superpower, would use its military might to topple regimes in the middle East and elsewhere that were unfriendly to U.S. corporate interests. On their website you can read their document Rebuilding America’s Defences’ wherein they clearly outline this goal. According to this document "the process of transformation," the plan said: "is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event - like a new Pearl Harbour."

    To add the FBI website which has Bin Laden on their 'Most Wanted' has no information actually linking him 9/11. When one of the Truth Movement seekers called the FBI to ask why? their official response was: 'We simply don’t have enough evidence to connect Osma Bin Laden with these attacks'.

    What about the amount of 'Put Options' (yet to be investigated) that were that were placed on American Airlines flights that crashed into the Twin Towers days proir?

    All this & we haven't even touched bases on the actual melting point of steel & how 3 building collapsed at free-fall speed in their own footprint due to fire damage caused by planes crashing into 2 of them (subsequently all owned by the same lease holder). They claimed the fire was that hot it was melting the steel which ultimately caused the 'Pancake effect' of the Twin Towers, yet people have been filmed literally 2/3 floors below where the planes crashed waving scarfs for help right up until they were raised to the ground?

    I could go on all day tbh, but if you get 'imperical' about what actually happened & keep an open mind on both Conspiracy Theories (The Governments & the Truth Movements) the odds are stacked MASSIVELY against what the official version conspires to have actually happened.

    I mean cummon...

    - a passport in perfect condition found at Ground Zero which was indentified as one of the Hijackers after a 55 Story building was pulverized to the ground from fire?

    - Hani Hanjure's (ms) luggage was kept in customs after it becoming suspicious, they later found a copy of the Koran & his will. Why would you take a will on board a flight you were going to plough into a building?

    - The list quite scarily goes on & on...

    The Official Version is the greatest lie ever sold to the general public & it's scary how people just go about their day without even raising an eyebrow as to what actually happened, madness.
  19. ManofScience

    ManofScience Guest

    i tend to look at the logical/attainable side of things.

    Yes, some things do make sense/don't add up however the planning and dedication required for a goverment to pull this off is beyond belief. Big organisation are not secure, humans make mistake - something would have gotten out, especially something this big.
  20. BRID

    BRID Has name in red. Staff

    Jan 31, 2003
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    I think its a miracle that one of the passports of one of the terrorists ON the planes flying into the towers managed to fly out of the plane as it crashed into the tower and managed to flutter a good few blocks down to the ground and was found in near perfect condition ;)

    If theres nothing to hide .... why has the FBI never released ANY of the video footage that was immediately confiscated from all video camera's near the pentagon? All we have had since then is 3-4 frames of a video that doesnt even show a 747 flying into the pentagon?

    ... Ditto with 7/7 .... no video footage of anything, despite the UK having the most cctv camera's in the entire world?
  21. Gary Proud

    Gary Proud Registered User

    Apr 4, 2005
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    They have made mistakes & bush has been filmed making them. Contradictring his whereabouts on the day of 9/11 etc... etc... no investigations into 'Put Options' & the convenient swerve in the official report about WTC7... well it actually doesn't care to mention it once!
    It all boils down to how much power/control the Government have over the media & press.

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