The Machinist Watched this lastnight for the first was actually alritee Christian Bale was awesome..
I seen this ages ago n i thought it was a good film, i liked the story line too. Bale took his role to the extreme gettin down to the weight he did, when you compare him to his roles in american psycho and Batman.
Hes a absolute hulk in Reign Of Fire Steriods 100% no one can bulk up like that in a few months. Watched "Ali" the other night, Smith is on Roids in that too in HD you can see the roid spots all over his back
actul i am getting him mixed up with Matt Mccaunahy in Reign Of Fire but he still had a canny strip on him tho
Roid spots? The spots on the back arent just from steroid use. If you train hard your body produces more testosterone than normal, and the spots are a side effect of that too. Its not as black and white as roids = spots
I bet he was over the moon when they finished filming The Machinist, he would of been straight to the nearest fast food restaurant!