Tidy wkender NYE Just got flyer thru the post 4 it 2day, it'll b mad as fuck!!! 30th, 31st and 1st its at pontins in blackpool anybody up 4it??? probs a good chance of dying like ps mark eg is on graham
I fancy it like , 4 nights for vip !! thing is tho no kitchen , so u gotta buy ur food/drink there with the use of communal microwaves lol !! Will be as mad as a box of crabs tho fo sho !!
Im not paying £40 more than normal for a room with no fridge or microwave would be a decent way to see in the new year though, itll be one hell of a party
its like 170 quid or somethin tho plus bits and bobs ie travelling and drink and stuff u talkin bout 350 quid over xmas i think wud b cheaper goin to the dam for ny
Be worth it tho i reckon ,one hell of a new year party , 4 days solid lol , good job theres a 3pm checkout on the monday !!!
aye it is bit pricey like, £165 for classic. But it wud b wel worth + hardwick is on so u cant complain bout there been no trance