troy went to see this last night and i cannot remember enjoying a single moment of it! it seemed like a really cheesy cross between lord of the rings and gladiator, but didn't really pull it off at all! the story was made into some rubbise love story again, and the flow was broken up by the camera constantly zooming in and out while the actors all did some cheesy pose with their sword, or stroking their cin or something! brad pitt didn't pull of achillies very well, when-ever he was fighting; the camera was shaking to hide the fact he couldn't fight that fast, and he had one special move which he did over and over again! the rest of the cast seemed like a lort re-uniting session, with the odd guy from braveheart thrown in! i didn't expect very much but was couldn't believe how bad it was!!
yes! even marissa looked appauled at how gay it was, and she usually likes all that lovey-dovey shite!
yeah, i saw it last week. A mate of mine who does history said it was totally inaccruate too (what a surprise eh?) The bit when brad pitt says "immortality, take it, it's yours" *cringe*
looks attrocious anyways.. "how many shit cgi baddies can we throw into this film" oh dear next film im gonna see is 'eternal sunshine of the spotless mind' which is supposed to be excellent..
I saw "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless mind" last week and it was FUCKING FANTASTIC. Seriously good film ... it gets a bit tough in parts and the average movie goer might not "get" it ... but i came out of it amazed. Jim carrey is incredible in it - utterly brilliant performance.
my flatmates said it was the complete opposite of what you'd expect, especially for a carrey film.. said it was brilliant but couldnt explain why, sounded quite like a burton film to me...
Mite go see that then. Only avoided it cos Jim Carrey's humour drives me up the wall Love Kate Winslet films, shes a great English actress
Went to go and see it a few nite's ago but was sold out....looks good so might see it during the week.
The Butterfly Effect Van Helsing and soon...The Day After Tomorrow, which looks amazing. As for Troy, I went to see it last night, thought it was brilliant! Getting close to Gladiator territory imo and that really is saying something! Troy -