Re: Re: Warnings? was an hour late he was well within his rights cos i have been late in the past on more than one occasion!!!
I used to work somewhere that said you could get 3 verbal then 1 written and then you were out, but my last place appeared to be 1 verbal was enough to chuck you out. Oh and at the first place a verbal lasted for 1 year.
Re: Warnings? 1 Year for Verbal i think... 2 Years for 1st/Final written.... Not that I would know :angel2:
If your in a Union, a verbal last's 6 months, and a written, a year. But if your not it's up to the company. I am on my final written warning!!
Lot's of things over 5 years. Being late, etc. I got my final warning for being off 2 days, with no sick note, etc. Which can't even happen, but did. It's fine now though, i'm the bosses blue eye boy again, thus me getting a wage increase!!
Like I would put a vile comment, you should know me by now. Not an arse licker, just got my head down at work, not had any days off, and did all the overtime. Just a good employee really!