Cant be arsed to write it again! How'd u get a bump on the head?? The bird of urs giving u grief again??! Or her dad??!
Richards prog warm up was immence - totally class... The prog nodders would have been in heaven. Judge Jules - Although i havent been a fan of his of late, i honestly thought he played a good set - kept the pace up but not too hard up till... ... Matt Hardwick - Played a Matt Hardwick set, what more can you say - brilliant. Lee got the final set he deserved - Was banging it out superbly... really really good. Didnt dance much, cant keep up with the whippersnappers like i used to (early starts and late finishes dont mix) but had a great time none the less. 8/10 i reckon.
Oh god, was I dancing nxt to u at one point??! :spangled: Cant remember a thing!!! Sorry for whatever I sed/did
had such a good nite!!!!!!!:groovy: :groovy: jules was excellente as he inevitably was gonna be!!! i just cudnt tear maself away from the dancefloor cos every tune that anyone played last nite was fucking class!! well dun everyone that was on!!!!!!!!! music wise it was one of ma bestest promise's eva eva eva!!!!!! xxxx
I cant really remember details, I know Matt was mint, i can remember saying that to anyone that I spoke to!! I never get drunk and I was so bladdered las nite :spangled: *cringes* U have agud nite then hun??
Whats that bout u being too old for Foundation?! Ur only 25 or something, Im nearly there!!! Ur not too old
24!!!!!!! damn i had better start using better mosturisers or more people will think im over the hill too! Nah - "too old for foundation" was in reference to the Smile School Disco on monday - hehehe.
satallite, love shy, loops and tings, connective, lee dropping trance and acid was cool as fuck!! tunes off top of me head so far best night ive had out in ages, seemed like everyone was there!! was fucking unreal. music was immense, jules is on form, hardwick was amazing as ush, rich n lee were class!! top atmosphere was mint to c everyone again just remembered!! walking down the stairs near the end of hardwick am sure i heard moonman - galaxia!! was unreal, if it wasnt this it was v. similar
Aww bless. Id rather look too young than too old. Sorry Brid, I cudnt remember if u were 24 or 26 so went for the middle shot!!
also just remembered that amazing remix of marco v - i feel you that hardwick played, awesome, defs one of the tunes of the night for me!!