wrecked Shit did i :blush: i might have been scared of her!! i get scared when im wrecked! tell her am sorry!
i know im still not functioning and probs spelling everything wrong. limbo (my rock of the night) says i was scared of something was probs tripping OMG what a way to make friends eh? :doh: i feel like a right please tell her sorry from me, i didn't mean it and didn't know it was her! :cry2: but judging by the state of me everyone should know i wasn't really in the room tbh! still no excuse like. just going to bang me head off the nearest wall!:bang:
Aww casy dont worry about it!! I bet the whole house was going crazy!! You were probably one of the saner ones
Don't worry, thats the 1st time i'd met everyone except Geordie clarki & Bracken. I wasn't exactly full of convo :chill: Pass my apologies on too
katie hun i was a totally :spangled: and was scared of someone so sat with me eyes closed and me hands on me ears hugging limbo!!! :crazy: you not am not horrible?????
So what!! People have done MUCH worse things than that - you all know who you are Just cos you were scared it isnt your fault I know your not horrible!! x
i kna (what a load of shite!) although i am not having "THAT"again, i only need the tinyest bit and im lost now. i don't think i was horrible to linzi, just couldn't physically speak @ that moment in time! :spangled: nothing more til global I PROMISE!
The trebler at 6am or summit well sorted me oot, was blind and a shaking wreck from then on :spangled: Best suggestion in a long long time
Aye If i remember rightly you walked in to the conservatory, propped yourself on the table and said: "No matter what i say or do from now on i'm just wrecked ok"
think i passed out in bed by then. i have no recollection of the nyt apart from Clarki coming into the bedroom to tell me he'd "LOST" dan i can remember seeing you a little when i was sitting in the conservatory i fink? but thats it. although i had a mint time in promise!