drugs at tidy...... sum1 jus sent me this, funny but spose its bit shockin...
yeah its me, ru's going promise on fri??
cheers aaron yr a legend, the wig n boa rn't mine. the PVD cd is "politics of dancing"
TIDY LOST AND FOUND LOST: a fat pat stripper suit includin wig n feather boa FOUND: a PVD cd will swap cd 4 womens clothes ;)
think emma has 1, i'll tell her 2bring it i ve got a costume sorted, but im gona look a rite tit think we'll get there bout 4 30ish, so i'll...
is ne1 takin a cd player, cant b doing wiv out music ru gettin dressed up graham??
i ll give u sum marbles, seen as tho u ve lost urs
hahahaaha, cant remember ne off that, chris said my face made a rite slapping noise wen it hit the floor, think the k eased the pain. was sick...
think the march line up is boring and non imaginative, every1 no's wot lashes is gona play, saw her on sat n its same old same old. i'll stil...
wot u drivin now ne way ben, i didn't get calibra in end got a celica. u going 2 tidy?
shud get urself 2 that new nite wen flip n fill r on lol as long as u like house/funky u'll like it, i used 2 love it, but now i think its a...
aye defo's andy whiby he's quality, well lookin 4ward 2 seeing him nxt wk cally n juice, tho only seen em a few time this yr alex kidd with...
ooooo yeah were countin down the days lol, yeah shes comin down, r ne other geordies comin
aye so i hear, im def going 2 picottoe, duno bout mayhem had 2 pay 2 fix the dent in my car last wk so bit skint
r they posting the tickts out or r they e-tickts no probs i'll get em l8r in the wk
is lakey stil gettin our tickets, we mite as wel jus get em ourselves, otherwise were gona have 2 arrange 2 meet up wiv em b4 hand them rooms r...
Re: Re: new hard dance anthems cd lol it cud wel have been, but in my head i heard a quality mix of kick it n heveans cry lol i stil aint...
new hard dance anthems cd ne1 else bought it?? i think its fuckin quality all 3 cd's r amazing. andy whitbys is defo's the best tho, track 9...
hardstyle is amazing, jus not enuff of it up north. alex kidd is fuckin quality!! best gg resident i reckon. lady dana is really good as wel seen...
lol i was proper gutted wen it popped up like, duno how it chooses roads near where u live, must b able 2 get ur postcode or sumat
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