gets excited at the thought :D
any1 want a red n black ticket?? apologies for talkin bout r n b again on here smart e, will make it up 2 you 2moro ;) anyhow aint goin on sat...
despite meetin the love of mylife at the last 1 *waves atlittle dave* we aint goin 4 the anniversary north will b loads better :D
ditto then an empty house for a week of ste-sential :D
am still on it, and i know a lot of sound people through it, dont use it as much as i used to though. imo its gud because people aint always...
im sorry didnt realise it was difficult to understand?? I AM COOL AS FUCK ME :cool: PLUR :rolleyes:
im cool as fuck me :cool:
snarf will buy eufex - what and geri halliwell - bag it up off you i'll give the money to big dave if you can give them to him on fri cheers:D
i think theyll make a luverly couple :D bless em
i aint on the list neither, how cud you not put me on smarte after all i mean 2 u :( dont need a badge like cos a still got me trusty piece o...
aint that jilly's boyfriend? :confused:
hahahaha i cant believe how long it took 2 get anton to piss, he couldnt even figure out how 2 get his belt off bless him :D
ive got big balls mate :D and course a will do a set :D
well deff go 2 it, am lookin 2 start a monthly night or summit near me, but all the venues r shite. :( thought i had found an ok 1, but...
the laser on fri was a vast improvement over not havin one, well done. :) i reckon like smarte that 2 medium lasers at either side would be a...
not a big fan of the venue, but i think the laser improved it a hell of a lot. was nice to have a bit of light in there :) more laser please
wud agree with those that have said nukleuz n tidy n kaktai, but would add frantic, vicious circle and mohawk :D
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