if where talkin old tunes that weve still got erm...... red sun rising saltwater pearl river let me show you. lol mik check ure pms
Prime example Marty v has no decks (well he didnt last time i spoke to him) marty is an amazing dj and he aint had no decks.
i started buyin tunes ages b4 i had decks suppose it shows how much passion i had to be a dj like.
steve marauno or the chems
rank 1- airwave and my first promo was joshua ryan- pistol whip
Greatest Hits album. Im busy making my greatest hits album at the mo just wonderin what would go on u guys top 10 greatest hits album. o and...
30-40 pund a ticket not sure on traveling as uve read!!!!
Re: Re: Festivals sorry to hear that broony does anyone no anythin bout travel arangment to the clours fest yet???????
Festivals I may be a bit premature in asking this but apart from the colours fest which im defo going to PVD Does anyone no the dates of...
Thanx jay jay well lookin forward to this hope to sees ues all there u gilomaniacs u!
So whats going wrong then???? What is happening to our world that is seeing all this fall in popularity in our scene is it, the styles of...
there are a g8 number of djs out there that all have equal skills in there mixing. If i was to say one dj that has stood out for me this year...
come guys enough it aint worth it now weve all said our peice lets knock it on the head now.
wowe wowe wowe i think everyone should take a step here and chill out i mean come on guys ues are fightin over nothing really. Were all...
i dont no who jay jay is da broony never met him in my life so i never judge a book by its cover im lookin forward to meetin him
So if ure good enough to be payed for what u do, why aint u gettin gigs all over the country? its about promotion first and as far as i can see,...
Inserextion I dunno if there is any other WWE fans out there like just that inserextion is being held at the telewest arena on the 7th june so...
i would sayyyyyyyyyyyy............. push- the legacy and ade will probably back me up as that being one of his we used to stand watchin matt...
I did music tech BTECH and GNVQ but didnt go for the bits of paper i went for the knoledge just to get and idea of what to do and what to get for...
hapyy birthday boyzzzz have a nice one guys see ues on saturday!!!!!!!
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