I love Newcastle but prefer to have a warm up drink in Sunderland before getting the (where the fuck has it gone) train or soon the (on strike)...
Sunderland is the best City on earth for a piss up. Possibly the worst for clubs. Anywhere worse than Sunderland? Try 'boro, or most of...
That last one is :cool:
How come?
Always go prepared. One bouncer searched my bog roll stash. Just wanted him to ask me what it was for. :D
Click user cp at the top of the page :rolleyes: then edit options. Put the address of the pic in the avatar bit. :)
This thread made me spray my monitor with coffee. :D Quality pics.
True. :D I saw a lass pretend to have a 'sit down' in a taxi queue, she almost got away with it until the steam started to rise. I nearly...
Imprpmptu piss ups are great.
Glad you pointed that one out. :confused:
It's been a laugh reading this. :D It is a pain finding decent places to go in Dear Old Sunderland. Anyone ever tried Headshots at the...
Apart from the usual problems asscoiated with Tall Trees, I thought the DJ's did well. Fergie was excellent, I really enjoyed it. :cool:
:D That was some moment. Madness, and the lasers! :D
Thought it was a bit poor myself. Only remember John Kelly and then it was time to leave. Missed Kerry James, gutted. Bit of an expensive...
Newcastle United bra for sale! Loads of support. No cups. The Newcastle United Trophy Room was broken into last night....
Thanks. :)
Right, it's because they said they want to try somewhere different as I think most of them have been before. Remember this is not me asking...
I'll let them know. PS I'm from Sunderland.
Separate names with a comma.