WANTED: boyfriend WANTED: boyfriend for strangely psychotic girl, descprition: 21, large breasts, short brown hair, smoker (wants to give...
Lee works with laura, there was a staff night out, she is prettier than me, he had sex with her. Thats how it happened. Anyhow, dont really...
He's a bit yum aswell...but his breasts arent half what they used to be...(wish i had a scanner, ive got a lovely pic of his man boobs in magaluf :p)
:cry: the world has changed so much since i left!
how do u recognise her?
play nice spence, i like u...half man, half goat, and full of vodka bitching about how they brought you the lucozade version of redbull....one of...
Mmm.... and btw, i was trying to be martins mate, but claire told him not to speak to me anymore so he wont. I keep emailing him, just to...
Mmm...no offence Keley, but you are a bit yum
course i love you joe...your a sexy as they come. And dead intelligent, i like a man who can hold down a conversation without it turnin to...
I dont know what you can do to earn money...but you can have a hug :D :groovy: :D :hug: :hug: :D :groovy: :D
£6.30 for 30. I cant afford to eat food, never mind anti depressants.
ive stopped listening to a word you say now mate. You're too far up Rachels arse to make ur own decisions anymore. If she ever left you, i...
:cry: song that was on the radio when i was told in the car that my grandma had died :cry:
Ill only get them out if u take the photos...altho ill never ever ever look as pretty as you do. Ellielou, i started taking the...
*picks up jess, puts her in breast pocket, takes her home and feeds her cheese and pineapple on cocktail sticks* ur lush girl. delphia, i...
:cry: and after i had sex with martin in ur bed...you can be so cruel :cry:
Im a chubby, single, self harming, pessimistic, clinically depressed 21 yr old female with very few friends, a job that barely payes my rent, a...
i missed my 1000th post with all this :( Anyhow...who loves me? was it an acccidental vote?
I get a new prescription every month. I last took it for 2 weeks in October.
one of the votes for 'hate her' is me. but im fine with that. Im seeing people about that stuff. Its just i was on the board, i fucked up...
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