wot u think i just done it :D
wots up :(
:eek: monday lol :d cant wait
just went for it i sounds really gud 41hours which i need :D
:moon: hehe moi @ iv got another job interveiw lol if tandg change there mind iv got sum thin 2 fall bk on
yeah that too or choppin off ihis down stair hehe :D jokin :rolleyes:
god if sum 1 did that 2 me i wud wait till he is a sleep and fook off :D
yep :D
:eek: the stupid women wud i fook take that
:eek: not nice :D
:eek: mad that iv just run up stairs 2 see if i left it in or not lol
:lol: :tounge: u sick of me doin it now?
its will do like :D
cool the the nxts 1s in march in durham :D
Re: hello hiya :D
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