No no no no no - Anchovies = :love: :D :D
Could cause a stir here but...... ......having only heard Tomcraft - Loneliness for the first time about 2 minutes ago, I think it's amazingly...
Quite possibly.;) :D I don't wear cyber or anything so it's not like the crop tops attract blokes, it just occasionally happens. I take it as a...
For some reason a lot of people think I'm gay too. Mainly birds rather than blokes although the two times I've been to Shindig I got chatted up by...
Cool, cheers. He does sound a bit of a cock. Feckin ads, hope he plays some decent tunes. Oh, spoke to soon, JJ72. What's going on?:o Where's...
Fuck it, I've downloaded it anyway. If I get a virus then I'll worry about it.:p
The Brian Setzer stuff sounds pretty cool as well. Stuff like Hoodoo Voodoo Doll is the kind of stuff I'm looking for.:D
Kazaa (Lite) Who has Kazaa Lite or just Kazaa? Think it's about time I got Kazaa but something is stopping me from downloading it. How safe is...
Just listening to Squirrel Nut Zippers. Sounds quite a lot like dixieland kinda stuff which is a fucking good thing. The only dixieland stuff I've...
My name's Tom.:D I've heard of Brian Setzer Orchestra. Ain't heard of the rest. Are they retro in their sound or are they actually old? It's...
I've neva understood ppl who hav chips and gravy. Chips are lovely, but adding gravy is not a good thing. Why do it?!?!:)
That's terrible. When I had my crash, it was 4am, a car crashes into someone's front garden, the guy gets up from his living room to see what's...
As of yesterday I work for CPP which is an insurance firm. Great!! Going thru the training at the mo and its boring as fuck:rolleyes: :(
I forgot about the car crash I was in over summer. My mate wrote off his mum's car in Jesmond at the end of summer. No one was hurt but it was...
What's the worst accident you've ever had? I got knocked down by a car couple of Xmas' back and broke my leg. Apart from that, not much has...
Definitely bloody! none of this 'well done' malarky. Rare all the way!:)
You're a sick sick person.
No, apple pie is gorgeous.
What!??!? You can't be serious.:o :o :p
Sprouts - The devils balls. Disgusting Cauliflower - Just plain sick Broccoli - I think if I ever ate some broccoli, I don't think I'd...
Separate names with a comma.