22.49 for the away one with my money refunded if England win :p
my ladies england shirt was the same price as the mens, couldn't find a white ladies one though
My dads in Majorca so unfortunately he misses out :p I hate buying cards though, I only ever buy my mam them cos she gets dead upset if I don't...
Happy Birthday, I saw you smooching about in Players :p didn't look that pissed though :(
im not really too sure why she's gutted?? all she has to do is buy a new mobile and get some new insurance
if he's being a dick then she's the one with the power cos she just stops paying the bills and leave him in the shit. she should run up huge phone...
Big screen to watch the footy The BBC are putting a big screen on for the match on Tuesday in Saltwell park. Looks like it'll be a lot bigger...
got home at 11.30 came in to work at 12 feel like shit head is banging feel a bit sick and cant face being here till 6.30 :cry2:
I split my head open when I was little cos my dad had me on the kitchen bench I slipped and cracked my head off the light switch. Also split my...
where abouts in gosforth?
They're all full of young charva slags though :down:
you get to go and hang out with Richard's mates, or that's how it owrked last series anyway :)
can you not just get an interest free credit card for 12 months???
Dating clients Oh dear, have jsut been asked out for a few drinks by one of my clinets :down: Bearing in mind the type of people I work with and...
MX and rachel were found on a pic on the Sunday Sun website :) http://www.bbc.co.uk/tyne/content/articles/2006/06/09
the screen was pretty shit though, i couldnt even tell they'd scored, it wastoo pixelated (if thats a word) and far too small there was by no...
people have been called far worse than that on here though
I was going to go there cos the screen outside Digital was poo :down:
Re: Re: Re: ALLIE IS NOT DEAD and other randomness I was passed out when you text, so neo reply from me :p
Re: Re: haha areet clubbers :lol: as soon as he walked in he asked me to point her out :lol: don't think he was diappointed :lol:
Separate names with a comma.