How do I find them? :lol: Was thinking about getting a few people tagged but I'm not sure it would be considered a joke. :lol:
I love this, the whole wikileaks saga is so fucking interesting! On...
The last thing we need is a country full of squaddies.
You can hardly commend them either.
They are not fighting for their country. They are fighting for a corrupt government. The heroes campaign appears to invoke the standard at which...
I love snow. People who winge on because they couldn't commute to work in an adequate time-frame need to have a fucking word!
Geoff, if you're secretly into hard house why don't you just come out and be open about it? After all you're always harping on about Scot Project...
Ding ding - and here it is, the annual highlight of the board. :lol:
Just a reminder that I am available for playing Dada. I usually play in the range of 144 bpm.
:facepalm: [IMG]
What qualities could your average soldier bring to our education system That should put them ahead of your average person? The way that our...
I don't think we've got anything to worry about with regards to china myself. The world is different now, economic superpowers rule supreme.
There just aint room for the two of us, PAL. :mad: Down with people who play shit psy trance!
Hostile Virus, just ignore them! Who are your favourite psy trance producers mate?
Think he works at orange doesn't he?
That will be disco dave mate.
Good thread. What type of samples from the pack do you like the most? I must say, the vengeance sample packs are pretty naff in my opinion. A...
Can we hear the rest of the set?
Do you really listen to dance anthems on a regular basis?? May well start a night and just book you off the back of that!
Just two more questions now that you ask! 1. Is it A,B,C or D? 2. What is the correct quote?
Separate names with a comma.