OMG:eek: Erm kez ill pay u not to post them. Please
Well i enjoyed it:) :)
LMFAO!!!!!!! Jeff thats mint:D :D :D
Yes i met bof of u. Dya remember me??
Why fankoo. And u r vain. U were individually movin each strand of hair and after 30...
Think so. Was in cyber. Blue T wif girl onnit, black trousers, cyber arm bands nd a slightly confused look. AND U?? (Just so i know im...
I travel. But u know that.
Please remove cos peeps will get ideas:p :p :rolleyes: :p Was gud meetin ya mate. After the 6th time ud think id remeber ur name:rolleyes:...
i remember autum tactics. Think Matt played it. But every1 disagrees wif me. Some1 please tel me im not imaginin things:confused:
Awwww thanks :love:
A man wif sense. Best multiplayer around:)
Ill be there dont u worry ken. Anyway it dont matter cos we gota sit around nd wait for mary:p Just realised u wont read this til monday...
He used to have long hair:eek:
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Half Life on pc. (Multiplayer Counterstrike over net or LAN) Ken u can vouch for this Best multiplayer around. Better than unreal tournement or...
:lol: :lol: :lol: Dont really use word cunt unless pissed off
I took that into account and got some1 else to do me 1 too:p :p
Dont waste ur time do u;) :p
Westwood is class. Hes in Edinburgh on 1st december so im deffo goin. Diversity:rolleyes:
Yeah im xcited:)
Separate names with a comma.