that's supposed to be a secret :secret: im not allowed to show it to anyone until after it's been in :)
im not watching it just have it on in the background in the other room :lol:
the best programme i ever saw on channel 4 was the 101 most embarrassing sexual accidents :lol: :lol: :lol:
Biggest Penis :lol: :lol: :lol: Is it penis week on Channel 4 or something?!?!
No problem, times been changed till next Sat as it's the only time I could get a couple of days off work :) Have heard I'll be in a lot of pain...
I totally know what you mean abuot the costs, but it's done by the same company as I was going to go through anyway, Optimax which is a reputable...
I can play :)
that's why you worded it like that isn't it :P
i never normally have that said :lol: :lol: :lol:
Re: Re: Lser eye surgery :lol: I was thinking that when I reread it as well :lol:
Lser eye surgery I know I've ahrdped on about this a bit, but I am 100% definite that I want it so I phoned up the clinic before to see if they...
G;ad it's a late kick off, going for my laser eye consultation at 3.45 so thoguht i was gunna miss it :) Don't think I'll be buying a ticket mind...
Finally got the rest of my pics of my bro, including New year :lol:
What new pic?
I knew you'd be in the know :lol:
:o who's she banned>!?!
you sort of expect that if you go to greys though :o it's rank, i had the displeasure of being taken there on a 'date' :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I didn't know you lived round there, were they after you :o :p My initial thoughts were Dodgy :lol:
I know they're always around there but there was literally about 15 which is a bit extreme, seemed as if something was going on :)
Separate names with a comma.