yipeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee i have eventrually purchased a armin cd!!!!!!!!! sound garden r pretty crap!!!! but who...
yes of course he does! stoopid question he he mwa
na still wont do it, its the soundgarden.com website that wont let me register! gettin angry now
na still no luk, on armins website it still wont let me register, with the company that there in-conjunction with! bastards! need armin...
i was after armin cds really, u av to log in on his website and it wont let me......grr! tiseto was an example of how mush his cds where on...
tried amazon and cdnow but there shit £21.99 for a tiesto cd................u can fuk off!!!
money, girls, armin, tiesto and of course trance!!!!!!! not to forget promise and all my mates who i love dearly and miss tonzzz and tonzz...
nowt seroius really, just pics of me and my bro's in da bath 2gether wen i was little, but my lil bro nearly cought me doin it wif my girlie?!!!!!
armin van buuren cd's? just tried browsing on the net for armins cd's but no luk! just trying to see if i can get then any where cheaper than his...
hey hunny! me bak norf on the 17th, cant wait! r u cumin to my house warmin party in boro on the 17th?
nite guys off to bed now! hooj mwa
sorry hun.............joe u were no help at all, next time i see you i will get you in a hed lock and kick ur ass! thanks helz mwa
smartE and everyone else! my foto worked!!!! yeah so this is me my fellow peeps!!!! :D
go on son go 4 it! u know u wanna?! my forehed was nerly drippin, cus i was sweatin that much
me misses ur sis dude! JULES!!!! she ok? and i ahvent seen bellini in ages? has he gone on holiday? when ur sis bak smartE? me bak norf on...
u slag!!! any one had the bombay bad boy yet? just had one and i was sweatin my tits off! ded nice tho?!!!!!!:lol:
even though he is boring and not particularly that good, my fav tune is gotta be iguana!:lol:
i like that one made me laugh!!!! tell another?
me will find cyber gimps ne where! another one to add to my collection of gimps!! *roll up roll up*
smartE can kiss my ass, who is the betta cyber and betta at *waffwaff* he he love ya really
Separate names with a comma.