ne probs dude! finks u heard right then bout Promise! so wot u wanna kno bout promise?
hello new promise peep! promise is a excellent club wif a excellent atmosphere! nuff said!:D
to be honest - as speedy said, its a job with a lot of planning and hard work, my ex-girlfriend just graduated from a teaching course,and it was...
cus ive seen it on the little booklet you get, but some one will know a site!
cant believe hardwick is only at number 59 in 100 top dj's? wots that all about, he is probably the most consistant dj i have ever seen apart...
sasha, GU is good, my brother has got it, but my mum stole it off him and she loves it! :D
have u tried hard to find records?
finks there has been to many for me to remember, at crasher, "Grace - not over yet was dropped, sounded really class! Matt harwick dropped...
bloody hell.....good question! i'll have to get bak to you on that one!:confused: :confused:
i know, armin has cained his mix this yr, @ crasher, global and as you said @ GCSSS,(couldnt affort to go - gutted!) but its just sooo gud! :D...
avb mix is awsome! just so euphoric!!! the v-one mix still does it for me tho!:love:
totally agree wif ya jeff!
armins tune of the year?! plastic boy "silver bath" wot a tune! well done M.I.KE. definately agree and i finks Mr. Ted will too!!! wot...
armins!!!!!!!!!! enuf said!!!
i'll have to agree wif ya there mr. Revel! his gay vocal trance didnt excite me when i fist heard it, but now it does! tis a cgud tune, of...
although tiesto hasnt played amazin this yr, well done any ways trance master. Mr. Buuren!!!! the name says it all! god of all trance!...
i'll be there! £2 squid! cant complain! :p
definately armin! would also like to see ferry! definte must!:D
lmao! u r the man rich, its the armin mix of sky falls down, original is far betta like but still is a class mix and the beat pushers mix of...
no not really, cus it about day to day life? isnt it? oh sorry we cant do that any more talk about other stuff! he he mwa
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