Wont b sein u this fri then?:(
Wicked. I just got promoted at work:D :D Think i mite have 2 celebrate this w/e:)
Luv Lab4 but dunno bout in Promise
Re: pissed off!!! Fukin ell m8 thats shite. Gimme a shout on friday nd ill get ya some ur fav sweets and a drink of ur choice:)
I is listnin to his cd rite now. He roks!!!! *Makes explosion noise*
Take it down ur embarising me:rolleyes:
Only Scottish people understand that cartoon. Those ness's have saved my life many a time
I shall hopefully b there:)
Not seen u in aaaaaaaggggeessss m8. Well if Dave n Joe r goin to EC then i will b there:) Take it u enjoyed last w/e? Pity i cudnt go but will...
Wicked:D :D . Will chat 2 jules and sort summit out. U can show me the sights:p Cant tempt u to come out on either nite??
Think a lot of them r drivin bak 2day.
Cant be hard to learn the moves. All they do is wave them over eachother:rolleyes:
Happy Bday:)
Re: Re: ketchup ne1? Tis quite sad innit:rolleyes: :rolleyes: Saw a pic of them without makeup in paper yesterday.:lol: :o...
:D :D :D Wicked m8. Cya there:)
Dunno??!! Am stayin wif Dave so depends wat they all doin:)
Yeah im goin:)
Re: first night back U goin this w/e m8? Will be my return:)
Yeah the problem is i will b traveling on a friday mornin and returning on a sunday night. Kinda busy hours. Helz im goin to PVD@Heaven on fri...
Just read it on the RATT msg board that wen he dj'd there he used to have one. :p :p :p (Not meanin to offend any1 wif a ponytail):rolleyes:
Separate names with a comma.