I heard it was £800. Or u getin a m8 2 do it??
Might as well let them av it with a "LASER" Now thats pricey
LMAO!":lol: :lol: :lol: thats gona sting. Sprayed deodrant on them before cos nossel was facin the wrong way:rolleyes:
Not as bad as puttin them in water. Had to do that wen ran outa solution. BAd idea
Exactly:) And i always sit on them:rolleyes:
Unfortunatly i cant make it this friday:( Could some1 please get a piccy or 2 please:) Thankyou
Where u wantin 2 live?
Ahh some1 else who understands my trauma:p I wear the soft ones that u change every 2 weeks. Cudnt cope wif the hard ones cos i always loose...
:p :p New ud put up summit witty.:rolleyes: :rolleyes: We posh people use charmin ultra. Unlike u pikies usin ur left hand:p :p
Contacts Any1 wear contact lenses??? I do and they r well fooked. Cudnt open my eyes 2day:o
I heard that to. But ssshhhhh;)
Think Geordie has gota win. Thats if its a physical fight. Verbal fights though. mmmmmm. Whose got the best comebacks???
Hardy har:D U can sleep on the grass:p
*YAWN* HArd stuff will win cos its the best. Next thread:redface:
So to get bak 2 the original point............................... Whos goin? Tbh i cant see many other peeps goin. U have to do physical...
:D :redface: :redface: :cool:
Those pics sum him up really well:) Im gona miss you russ:(
Happy Birfday mate. :)
Read the other bday thread:rolleyes:
HAppy bday mate. Hope u enjoy ur romantic trip up norf with ken;) ;)
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