lasgo....................gorgeous! i know she is really good lookin but who are the two guys in her new video? just wanted to know, has any one...
me just been watching it too! saw sasha doing his lil speech about his new album, but do ya fink he was a lil fuct? he was swaying all ova the...
k hunn,try ur best neways off to bed soon nighty night babe sleep well hooj mwa xx x
will you be able to come and visit to b4 u go brighton? PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!
oh hunny wish u cud of made it, wud of been really, really nice to of seen you? i hope tomoz goes ok 4 u, will be thinkin of ya *mwa kiss mwa*
cheers hunny bu t i fink ppl can see where im coming from? there is just no need for it, im tired been workin all day, not enouf sleep,...
probably? well neways bak to old times (me hopes), they are welcome at netime its just i wish the wudnt post shitty little treads, that arent...
tis ok hunny, me been on crasher msg board 4 a while now, but id never do stuff like that, maybies im too nice, i dunno? but i can see where...
just f**k off the lot of u, im tired & cant be assed wif this shit!!!!!!, just want to chat wif my mates, who i havent seen in ages, and then u...
yeah i know u, ur always on the crasher msg board
wots that tune smartE? dont finks me has heard of it?????:confused: sorry?
very good tune, me got it on cd! dont listenen to it enough tho! oh and solarcoaster wouldnt go a miss either?!!!:rolleyes:
moogwai - viola (avb mix) of course! deffinately, push - strange world! i like too many tunes, not a bad thing tho, but its hard to choose...
wot tune wud u like to hear most........... at promise 2night? unfortunately i cant be there cus i will be 140 miles away..........."gutted"...
i know cant wait til it arrives son!!!! sooooo excited!!! some class tunes on his albums!!!!! gonna baptise my room in the house with...
wot pets have u all got? me has two hamsters! one is called "tiesto" and the other is called "Leah" as in princess Leah!!! leah is tiesto's...
FAO - cyberted AVB001 01 Miller & Floyd - Colours (Humate Remix) 02 Chris Raven - I Lost You (Bartology Mix) 03 John Johnson -...
i been to promise funky but not cyber (do have cyber clothes tho) but will always go cyber from now on! love it!!
blackburn rovers!!!!!!!! u r all gonna get beat this season!!!!!!!! cole and yorke up-front? u have no chance!!!!
just bought avb001 and avb004!!!!!!!! just been on ebay too, and just bought a set by armin live @ sensation! a club in amsterdam, july 7th for...
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