ROTFLMFAO!!! @ Whiplashes avatar!!! thats fookin class that looks ded like her as well!!! excellent!! :p :p :p
hehehe sounds good chief mine had a secret ingredint tho!! aha!! :p
aha happy birthday cyber gizmo!! sorry tis late! :p
good good glad u enjoyed it!! hehehe :p
lmao!! oky doky less of rubbing it in me knows i is a crap chef!! but me is mammys boy anyway never make me own food!! :p
lol!! i wuv u too joe!! :D
no casue then u wouldnt provide them cookies and stuff anymore!! besides when i get to skint to buy bread me finx i will be asking u to make me my...
yeah dont mind that job center cause u just on the comp thinges sounds kewl to me get joe to join us!! would it be kewl if we all wrkd in same...
:p :p :p
i will join u's there lil un ifthis interview 2mrw dont go to well!!! :)
yeah but violent smart e is funny cause we just laugh at u!!! :D
no i likes u just the same but tis good cause u dont fit in janes cupboard lil un so when i get sickof u cant put u in there unlike the smart...
see every1 wants to live n newcastle full of beautiful peeps!! :p
lmao!! but if its ok can i still pick on u me loves picking on the cyber gimp!! hes my fav toy!!! ;)
is it that bad like??? :confused:
aha so smart e is despratly seeking roommates eh!! when u looking to move out like??? :)
thought it was the other way round thaTS what smart e said!! hehehe ;)
LOL ok doky chief spicy pasta it is!!! autcally proud myself wif how nice it was even kath commented on how nice it was!! :p
right mister thats it wait till i see you!! no pancakes for you ever!!! ;)
have to agree wif u there ste!!! esp that haYley!! :eek: :p
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